
The cost to educate a child is funded solely by tuition, donations, and fundraising. We encourage all St. Dominic families to participate in school fundraisers. Fundraising bridges the difference between what is charged for tuition and actual costs incurred to educate each child. A Catholic and non-Catholic rate is offered and paid in 11 monthly payments through FACTS Tuition Management.

Financial Assistance

In addition to discounted tuition offered to families with more than one child, St. Dominic School offers financial assistance to families based on individual need. Families apply on FACTS, a third party administrator which confidentially handles financial aid applications for all Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Sacramento. St. Dominic School awards approximately $35,000 in tuition aid to families each year.

BASIC Fund Scholarship

Families who have a new student entering St. Dominic School can also apply for financial assistance through the BASIC Fund. The BASIC Fund is a privately funded 501(c)3 organization whose mission is to advance education equity for low-income families by helping offset the cost of tuition at private schools in the Bay Area.

One Campaign Scholarship

Families requiring financial assistance can also be nominated by the principal for the One Campaign Scholarship which is awarded by the Diocese of Sacramento. The student must exemplify the school’s Student Learning Expectations (SLEs) in his/her daily life and the family must be in good standing with the Parish.

St. Dominic Church Financial Aid

Families that are active in the Parish community can apply for tuition assistance through St. Dominic Church.